Encompassing God

Encompassing God
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David Adam has spent a lifetime exploring the depths of God’s love, and this richly contemplative collection of new prayers and meditations draws us very near to the heart of the Trinity. Based on ?the prayer of seven directions’, Encompassing God seeks to increase our awareness of being held by God. We are nurtured at every moment of our existence in the encompassing love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Whatever we might be facing, we can trust that God is before us and behind us. He is on our right and on our left; above us, beneath us ? and gloriously alive within.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/b43e9e14/encompassing-god-david-adam-9780281070589.jpg|9780281070589|Encompassing God : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070589 : 20 Mar 2014 : Based on ’the prayer of seven directions’, Encompassing God seeks to increase our awareness of being held by God. We are nurtured at every moment of our existence in the en …|new|1|1|999|9.99|0|GBP|David Adam|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281070589|Encompassing God|8.99|https://wordery.com/encompassing-god-david-adam-9780281070589|David Adam has spent a lifetime exploring the depths of God’s love, and this richly contemplative collection of new prayers and meditations draws us very near to the heart of the Trinity. Based on ’the prayer of seven directions’, Encompassing God seeks to increase our awareness of being held by God. We are nurtured at every moment of our existence in the encompassing love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Whatever we might be facing, we can trust that God is before us and behind us. He is on our right and on our left; above us, beneath us - and gloriously alive within.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/b43e9e14/encompassing-god-david-adam-9780281070589.jpg|9780281070589|Encompassing God : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070589 : 20 Mar 2014 : Based on ’the prayer of seven directions’, Encompassing God seeks to increase our awareness of being held by God. We are nurtured at every moment of our existence in the en …|new|1|1|999|9.99|0|GBP|David Adam|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281069873|Creation, Power and Truth|9.61|https://wordery.com/creation-power-and-truth-tom-wright-9780281069873|In Creation, Power and Truth, Tom Wright invites readers to consider the crucial ways in which the Christian gospel challenges and subverts the intellectual, moral and political values that pervade contemporary culture. In doing so, he asks searching questions about three defining characteristics of our time: neo-gnosticism, neo-imperialism and postmodernity. Employing a robust Trinitarian framework, Wright looks afresh at key elements of the biblical story while drawing out new and unexpected connections between ancient and modern world-views. The result is a vigorous critique of common cultural assumptions and controlling narratives, past and present, and a compelling read for all who want to hear, speak and live the gospel of Christ in a world of cultural confusion.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/679bfa32/creation-power-and-truth-tom-wright-9780281069873.jpg|9780281069873|Creation, Power and Truth : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281069873 : 18 Jul 2013 : Tom Wright raises searching questions about three key aspects of our culture: neo-gnosticism, neo-imperialism, and postmodernity. Employing a robust Trinitarian fr …|new|1|1|5|10.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|18 Jul 2013|Christian social thought & activity 9780281071715|Being Christian|8.29|https://wordery.com/being-christian-rt-hon-rowan-williams-9780281071715|Full of sensitive pastoral advice and shot through with arresting and illuminating theological insights, Rowan Williams’ new book explores the meaning and practice of four essential components of the Christian life: baptism, Bible, Eucharist and prayer.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/4eb51e5f/being-christian-rt-hon-rowan-williams-9780281071715.jpg|9780281071715|Being Christian : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071715 : 20 Mar 2014 : Bible, baptism, Eucharist, prayer. Read this book and see how these four essentials of the faith can light up your spiritual life and draw you closer to God.|new|1|1|5|10.99|0|GBP|Rt Hon Rowan Williams|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281071715|Being Christian|7.56|https://wordery.com/being-christian-dr-rowan-williams-9780281071715|Full of sensitive pastoral advice and shot through with arresting and illuminating theological insights, Rowan Williams’ new book explores the meaning and practice of four essential components of the Christian life: baptism, Bible, Eucharist and prayer. This book is an invitation to everyone to think through the essentials of the faith and how to live it, making it an ideal gift for anyone at the start of their spiritual journey or thinking about confirmation.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/6d8f9061/being-christian-dr-rowan-williams-9780281071715.jpg|9780281071715|Being Christian : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071715 : 20 Mar 2014 : Rowan Williams’ new book explores the meaning and practice of four essential components of the Christian life: baptism, Bible, Eucharist and prayer. This book is an invitati …|new|1|1|5|7.99|0|GBP|Dr. Rowan Williams|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281069910|The Heart of L’Arche|8.99|https://wordery.com/the-heart-of-larche-jean-vanier-9780281069910|This book describes the spirituality of L’Arche, an international movement founded by Jean Vanier in 1964 in France. The Heart of L’Arche was first published by Novalis in 1995 and has been in demand ever since. This updated edition was revised by Vanier himself, as he looks back on 47 years of the spirituality of L’Arche, at the age of 83. Readers will discover the spirit that keeps Vanier’s dream alive and thriving in a world where people with disabilities are often ignored or seen as a burden on society. With simplicity and conviction, Jean Vanier shows how a life shared with people who have intellectual disabilities calls us to selflessness and risk. The vulnerability that is so much a part of their lives reveals our own limits and forces us to ask questions that can lead us to profound liberation.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/382297bf/the-heart-of-larche-jean-vanier-9780281069910.jpg|9780281069910|The Heart of L’Arche : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281069910 : 17 Jan 2013 : This book describes the spirituality of L’Arche, an international movement founded by Jean Vanier in 1964 in France. The Heart of L’Arche was first published by Novalis …|new|1|1|7|9.99|0|GBP|Jean Vanier|SPCK Publishing|17 Jan 2013|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281070534|Ready to Share One Bread|15.74|https://wordery.com/ready-to-share-one-bread-nick-harding-9780281070534|Contains all the advice, guidance and resources a church needs to discuss admitting children to Holy Communion before confirmation Includes a ready-to-use preparation course for the whole family Also includes answers to the most common objections from parishes and an outline admission service Authors have many years’ experience of advising and resourcing parishes on this issue|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/17d46092/ready-to-share-one-bread-nick-harding-9780281070534.jpg|9780281070534|Ready to Share One Bread : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070534 : 19 Feb 2015 : A ‘one-stop shop’ for churches considering the admission of children to Holy Communion.|new|1|1|999|13.99|0|GBP|Nick Harding|SPCK Publishing|19 Feb 2015|Christian sacraments 9780281072460|Another Christ|12.44|https://wordery.com/another-christ-andrew-mayes-9780281072460|Growth in Christlikeness is a goal for all Christians and especially for those in leadership. But the images of Christ that have become the institutional norm refer to a model of pastoral ministry that seems to allow no scope for innovation or eccentricity. In this riveting book, Andrew Mayes explores how the first century setting of Jesus reveals his identity as builder; hermit; rebel; mystic; reveller; jester; iconoclast; revealer and enigma; liberator; traveller; and mentor, brother and trail-blazer. The aim of Another Christ is to encourage us to see how these images can inform the practice and spirituality of leadership today, and to this end, each chapter ends with a set of penetrating questions and ideas for further reading.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/05ba7701/another-christ-andrew-mayes-9780281072460.jpg|9780281072460|Another Christ : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072460 : 16 Oct 2014 : Growth in Christlikeness is a goal for all Christians and especially for those in leadership. But the images of Christ that have become the institutional norm refer to a mode …|new|1|1|11|13.99|0|GBP|Andrew Mayes|SPCK Publishing|16 Oct 2014|Christian ministry & pastoral activity 9780281070237|Healing Dreams|8.99|https://wordery.com/healing-dreams-the-revd-dr-russ-parker-9780281070237|First published 25 years ago, Russ Parker’s Healing Dreams established itself as a bestseller. This SPCK Classics reissue has a new introduction. The author’s extensive experience as a Christian dream counsellor is reassuringly evident in the engaging and often moving text. Russ draws on a wide variety of his own and others’ dreams to reveal how dreams can lead us closer to God, to a deeper awareness of his will in our day-to-day lives, and to greater self-understanding.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/877faf57/healing-dreams-the-revd-dr-russ-parker-9780281070237.jpg|9780281070237|Healing Dreams : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070237 : 17 Jan 2013 : The author’s extensive experience as a Christian dream counsellor is reassuringly evident in the engaging and often moving text. Russ draws on a wide variety of his own and o …|new|1|1|999|9.99|0|GBP|The Revd Dr Russ Parker|SPCK Publishing|17 Jan 2013|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281069897|Finding God in the Psalms|9.99|https://wordery.com/finding-god-in-the-psalms-tom-wright-9780281069897|A spiritual manifesto by one of the world’s most popular Christian writers|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/52f2eee8/finding-god-in-the-psalms-tom-wright-9780281069897.jpg|9780281069897|Finding God in the Psalms : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281069897 : 20 Feb 2014 : Sing, pray, live|new|1|1|2|10.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|20 Feb 2014|Bible studies: for individual or small group study 9780281071883|John for Everyone: Part 1|8.44|https://wordery.com/john-for-everyone-part-1-tom-wright-9780281071883|Writing in an accessible and anecdotal style, Tom Wright opens up to us the wisdom of the letters of James, Peter, John and Judah (Jude). A vital resource for every church and every Christian, these letters are full of clear practical advice for Christians. Written for those new to the faith, they warn of the dangers and difficulties a young Christian community would face both within and without, while revelling in the delight of budding faith, hope and life. Today, these letters are just as relevant as they were two thousand years ago. They continue to help Christians to live with genuine faith in a complex modern age.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/5a0006b7/john-for-everyone-part-1-tom-wright-9780281071883.jpg|9780281071883|John for Everyone: Part 1 : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071883 : 17 Apr 2014 : Each short passage of the Bible text (in Tom Wright’s own translation) is followed by a discussion with background information. The series is suitable for personal …|new|1|1|2|9.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|17 Apr 2014|Bible readings, selections & meditations 9780281070268|Reconciliation|12.44|https://wordery.com/reconciliation-brian-castle-9780281070268|Starting from the area covered by his previously book - Memory, Victimhood, Forgiveness and Reaching out to the Other, the author moves deeper to speak of personal flourishing, social cohesion, political co-existence and the survival of the planet, as well as a deeper understanding of the work of God in the world.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/32565809/reconciliation-brian-castle-9780281070268.jpg|9780281070268|Reconciliation : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070268 : 19 Jun 2014 : Starting from the area covered by his previously book - Memory, Victimhood, Forgiveness and Reaching out to the Other, the author moves deeper to speak of personal flourish …|new|1|1|22|13.99|0|GBP|Brian Castle|SPCK Publishing|19 Jun 2014|Christian theology 9780281071913|Mark for Everyone|8.68|https://wordery.com/mark-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071913|Tom Wright has completed a tremendous task: to provide comprehensive guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to furnish them with his own fresh translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable commentary with helpful background information. The format makes it appropriate also for daily study.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/3a617af3/mark-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071913.jpg|9780281071913|Mark for Everyone : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071913 : 20 Mar 2014 : Tom Wright has completed a series of guides to all the books of the New Testament, each with his own translation of the text. Each short passage is followed by a commentar …|new|1|1|1|9.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Bible readings, selections & meditations 9780281069811|Rediscovering the Ministry of Blessing|9.61|https://wordery.com/rediscovering-the-ministry-of-blessing-the-revd-dr-russ-parker-9780281069811|The Bible teaches us’ Russ Parker writes, ’that blessing is a unique ministry resource gifted to believers to effect the purposes of God in peoples ’lives’ In this enthralling book, the author tells of situations of family estrangement, depression and chronic illness; of times of hopelessness and helplessness where miraculous transformation has been wrought through calling on God to bless someone with the richest blessing they are able to receive. As he has travelled the country teaching on the ministry of blessing, Russ has seen an enthusiastic response and uptake, especially amongst those involved in prayer ministry. He believes it is time for all who want to be part of God’s renewal - both in church and through reaching out to the wider community.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/4a7e5a8a/rediscovering-the-ministry-of-blessing-the-revd-dr-russ-parker-9780281069811.jpg|9780281069811|Rediscovering the Ministry of Blessing : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281069811 : 18 Feb 2014 : As he has travelled the country teaching on the ministry of blessing, the author has seen an enthusiastic response and uptake, especially amongst thos …|new|1|1|1|10.99|0|GBP|The Revd Dr Russ Parker|SPCK Publishing|18 Feb 2014|Christian ministry & pastoral activity 9780281070305|Four Gospels, One Jesus?|9.62|https://wordery.com/four-gospels-one-jesus-the-revd-prof-richard-a-burridge-9780281070305|Now an SPCK Classic, this is probably the most popular modern introduction to the four Gospel portraits of Jesus. It is written by an internationally respected biblical scholar and Christian communicator.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/56a47efd/four-gospels-one-jesus-the-revd-prof-richard-a-burridge-9780281070305.jpg|9780281070305|Four Gospels, One Jesus? : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070305 : 21 Mar 2013 : A popular modern introduction to the four Gospel portraits of Jesus.|new|1|1|14|9.99|0|GBP|The Revd Prof Richard A. Burridge|SPCK Publishing|21 Mar 2013|Biblical exegesis & hermeneutics 9780281071234|Bible to Go!|8.21|https://wordery.com/bible-to-go-sister-elizabeth-pio-9780281071234|Sister Elizabeth has built up quite a following as ‘The Tweeting Nun’|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/9d50e6e0/bible-to-go-sister-elizabeth-pio-9780281071234.jpg|9780281071234|Bible to Go! : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071234 : 17 Apr 2014 : God is everywhere, and that means he can speak to us in all sorts of interesting places! It doesn’t take more than a page or two to get absorbed by this hugely enjoyable and o …|new|1|1|999|9.99|0|GBP|Sister Elizabeth Pio|SPCK Publishing|17 Apr 2014|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281072309|Angels and Men|10.52|https://wordery.com/angels-and-men-catherine-fox-9780281072309|* Acclaimed on first publication as an astonishingly accomplished debut, this brilliant novel is reissued to delight both new and already enchanted readers|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/4142275c/angels-and-men-catherine-fox-9780281072309.jpg|9780281072309|Angels and Men : Paperback : Marylebone House : 9780281072309 : 17 Jul 2014 : Parson’s daughter Mara Johns arrives as a postgraduate student at a great northern cathedral city. Antagonistic to the church and fiercely independent, she repels all friend …|new|1|1|20|9.99|0|GBP|Catherine Fox|SPCK Publishing|17 Jul 2014|Religious & spiritual fiction books 9780281070350|The Healing Word|10.00|https://wordery.com/the-healing-word-barbara-brown-taylor-9780281070350|Gospel medicine’ is Barbara Brown Taylor’s metaphor for the power of God’s word to heal and mend a broken world. In this searingly beautiful collection, she practises the oldfashioned art of gospel home remedies, drawing strength and piercing insight from biblical stories that can help us confront our weaknesses, revive our spirits and restore us to lasting wholeness.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/9d50e6e0/the-healing-word-barbara-brown-taylor-9780281070350.jpg|9780281070350|The Healing Word : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070350 : 17 Jan 2013 : ‘Gospel medicine’ is Barbara Brown Taylor’s metaphor for the power of God’s word to heal and mend a broken world. In this collection, she practises the old-fashioned art of …|new|1|1|3|10.99|0|GBP|Barbara Brown Taylor|SPCK Publishing|17 Jan 2013|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281072132|Saint Patrick|8.99|https://wordery.com/saint-patrick-professor-thomas-oloughlin-9780281072132|The only true apostle of Ireland who more or less converted the country the single-handed? or A Christian bishop from the embattled edge of a crumbling empire? All that can really be known of Patrick comes from his authentic writings - the Confessio and the Epistola (Address to the Soldiers of Coroticus). Thomas O’Loughlin’s engaging yet scholarly reflections on these fifth-century texts lead us into a greater understanding of the mind of Patrick, the man, believer and missionary. · Accurate reader friendly text · Almost 5000 copies sold since publication in 1999 ? continuously in print for 14 years · Attractive new cover · Establishes historical circumstances and offers clarification on what is legend and what is likely to be true Reissued in good time for St Patrick’s Day on 17 March|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/158fe172/saint-patrick-professor-thomas-oloughlin-9780281072132.jpg|9780281072132|Saint Patrick : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072132 : 20 Feb 2014 : The Man and his Works|new|1|1|999|9.99|0|GBP|Professor Thomas O’Loughlin|SPCK Publishing|20 Feb 2014|Church history 9780281072156|Sharing God’s Blessing|11.16|https://wordery.com/sharing-gods-blessing-the-revd-canon-robin-greenwood-9780281072156|A tried-and-tested resource for the renewal of the local church. Faced with the unsustainability of many inherited patterns of church, the temptation may be to fall into despondency rather than seeking to regenerate patterns of mission and ministry. This book is the result of a two-year research project aimed at enabling local churches to regain a sense of confidence through exploring God’s blessing and how that might be shared with the communities they serve. In Part One, Robin explores the meaning of blessing and the power of face-to-face group conversations to transform church congregations. Part Two of the book contains outlines for five guided conversations for change on the theme of blessing. Part Three contains case study material of how this material has been used in different contexts, including for Mission Action Planning (MAP). · Commendation expected from David Ford · Dovetails with the Church of England’s Reform and Renewal programme · Robin is a highly regarded practical theologian well-known for his work in the field of mission, ministry and church transformation · The material has been road-tested by a number of churches in the UK and USA|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/8b1993c5/sharing-gods-blessing-the-revd-canon-robin-greenwood-9780281072156.jpg|9780281072156|Sharing God’s Blessing : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072156 : 21 Jan 2016 : A practical handbook to help churches recover confidence in their mission and ministry through conversations on the theme of blessing.|new|1|1|17|10.99|0|GBP|The Revd Canon Robin Greenwood|SPCK Publishing|21 Jan 2016|Christianity books 9780281070367|Five Pathways to Wholeness|10.99|https://wordery.com/five-pathways-to-wholeness-dr-roger-hurding-9780281070367|Five Pathways to Wholeness examines a variety of approaches to pastoral care: biblical counselling, the healing ministries, pastoral counselling, spiritual direction and social change. Bringing together material from a range of sources, and offering numerous engaging real-life illustrations, the author compares and evaluates each of the five approaches in its own right. At the same time, he encourages those who favour a particular pathway to respect and understand the raison d’etre of the other four. All five, he believes, can move to a more truly ‘integrational’ theological and psychological viewpoint.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/da506dca/five-pathways-to-wholeness-dr-roger-hurding-9780281070367.jpg|9780281070367|Five Pathways to Wholeness : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070367 : 20 Jun 2013 : Examines five pathways to wholeness within the Christian tradition of pastoral care: biblical counselling; the healing ministries; pastoral counselling; spiritual …|new|1|1|29|11.99|0|GBP|Dr Roger Hurding|SPCK Publishing|20 Jun 2013|Christian counselling 9780281069958|The Story We Find Ourselves in|13.41|https://wordery.com/the-story-we-find-ourselves-in-mclaren-9780281069958|In The Story We Find Ourselves In, Brian McLaren’s witty and wise characters take on difficult, faith-busting themes, from evolution and evangelism to death and the meaning of life - and reveal that the answers to life’s pressing spiritual questions often come from the most unlikely sources. Dan and Nero (and some new characters as well) invite reflection on the story we find ourselves in - that is, the narrative of God’s presence and meaning in the world now and in the future.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/cd16e585/the-story-we-find-ourselves-in-mclaren-9780281069958.jpg|9780281069958|The Story We Find Ourselves in : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281069958 : 21 Feb 2013 : Brian McLaren’s witty and wise characters take on difficult, faith-busting themes, from evolution and evangelism to death and the meaning of life - and reve …|new|1|1|19|13.99|0|GBP|Mclaren|SPCK Publishing|21 Feb 2013|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281070817|Journeying with John|10.99|https://wordery.com/journeying-with-john-the-revd-dr-james-woodward-9780281070817|* All the most exciting readings - in all three years - come from the Gospel of John|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/c4ce4146/journeying-with-john-the-revd-dr-james-woodward-9780281070817.jpg|9780281070817|Journeying with John : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070817 : 18 Sep 2014 : Hearing the voice of John’s Gospel in Years A, B and C|new|1|1|8|11.99|0|GBP|The Revd Dr James Woodward|SPCK Publishing|18 Sep 2014|Christian worship, rites & ceremonies 9780281070381|Rescuing the Church from Consumerism|10.99|https://wordery.com/rescuing-the-church-from-consumerism-mark-clavier-9780281070381|Rescuing the Church . . . examines how people are initiated into a consumer culture during childhood and thus drawn into pursuing a vocation as consumers by means of various quasi-sacramental rites and practices. The upshot of this is that the church today is composed primarily of men and women whose lives are situated more within a consumer culture than within a distinctively Christian one. In order for the church to free itself, the author believes it must reclaim a sacramental identity that is grounded in a narrative tradition and realized in real, local worshipping communities.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/c8d5c78a/rescuing-the-church-from-consumerism-mark-clavier-9780281070381.jpg|9780281070381|Rescuing the Church from Consumerism : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070381 : 15 Aug 2013 : Suggests that the church today is composed of people whose lives are situated more within a consumer culture than within a distinctively Christian one. …|new|1|1|18|11.99|0|GBP|Mark Clavier|SPCK Publishing|15 Aug 2013|Christian social thought & activity 9780281072569|Beginning Again on the Christian Journey|10.43|https://wordery.com/beginning-again-on-the-christian-journey-john-pritchard-9780281072569|A book of practical help and encouragement for anyone looking for a new start in their spiritual journey, or wanting to take that journey further for the first time|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/43b835f7/beginning-again-on-the-christian-journey-john-pritchard-9780281072569.jpg|9780281072569|Beginning Again on the Christian Journey : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072569 : 19 Jun 2014 : A book of practical help and encouragement for anyone looking for a new start in their spiritual journey, or wanting to take that journey further fo …|new|1|1|3|11.99|0|GBP|John Pritchard|SPCK Publishing|19 Jun 2014|Christian life & practice 9780281071760|My Father’s Tears|10.21|https://wordery.com/my-fathers-tears-reverend-mark-stibbe-9780281071760|Will resonate deeply with a postmodern generation, not easily won by a sin-focused, guilt-edged Gospel|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/5b170a7b/my-fathers-tears-reverend-mark-stibbe-9780281071760.jpg|9780281071760|My Father’s Tears : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071760 : 18 Sep 2014 : The Cross and the Father’s Love|new|1|1|17|10.99|0|GBP|Reverend Mark Stibbe|SPCK Publishing|18 Sep 2014|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281070602|Hearing the Call|9.61|https://wordery.com/hearing-the-call-the-rt-revd-gordon-mursell-9780281070602|The difference between going into the ministry at the age of 20 or 30, rather than 40 or 50, might simply be that someone asked sooner rather than later, ‘Have you thought of being ordained’ Especially when we are young, it is easy to feel that we might be inadequate for the job, but the Bible is encouragingly littered with stories of individuals who didn’t feel up to what God called them to be! Hearing the Call stresses that our very humanness, our sense of inadequacy, can be a gift in ministry and allow God’s grace to flow. Gordon Mursell’s wise reflections on several relevant biblical passages wonderfully complement Jonathan Lawson’s vivid recounting of his wide experience of young vocations. He illustrates this with real-life stories from young people he has counselled and encouraged.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/97cc580d/hearing-the-call-the-rt-revd-gordon-mursell-9780281070602.jpg|9780281070602|Hearing the Call : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070602 : 23 Jan 2014 : Gordon Mursell’s wise reflections on several relevant biblical passages wonderfully complement Jonathan Lawson’s vivid recounting of his wide experience of young vocations. …|new|1|1|4|10.99|0|GBP|The Rt Revd Gordon Mursell|SPCK Publishing|23 Jan 2014|Christian ministry & pastoral activity 9780281071982|Paul for Everyone: Romans Part 2|8.44|https://wordery.com/paul-for-everyone-romans-part-2-tom-wright-9780281071982|Tom Wright has completed a tremendous task: to provide comprehensive guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to furnish them with his own fresh translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable commentary with helpful background information. The format makes it appropriate also for daily study.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/cceac6b8/paul-for-everyone-romans-part-2-tom-wright-9780281071982.jpg|9780281071982|Paul for Everyone: Romans Part 2 : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071982 : 20 Feb 2014 : Tom Wright has completed a series of guides to all the books of the New Testament, each with his own translation of the text. Each short passage is followed …|new|1|1|2|9.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|20 Feb 2014|Bible readings, selections & meditations 9780281072224|Steel Angels|10.43|https://wordery.com/steel-angels-magdalen-smith-9780281072224|The book is based on the criteria used in selecting candidates for ordination, so there is a large potential interest in the subject-matter|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/2fef5d72/steel-angels-magdalen-smith-9780281072224.jpg|9780281072224|Steel Angels : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072224 : 19 Jun 2014 : The personal qualities of a priest|new|1|1|11|11.99|0|GBP|Magdalen Smith|SPCK Publishing|19 Jun 2014|Christian ministry & pastoral activity 9780281070626|Haphazard by Starlight|10.43|https://wordery.com/haphazard-by-starlight-janet-morley-9780281070626|Advent is celebrated when the year is becoming darker and colder, moving into the death and dormancy of winter. Before we can greet the coming of the light, we need to engage with some themes that are challenging and occasionally fearful. Like the Magi who travelled a long distance to search out and adore the infant Jesus, and who took some wrong turns on the way, we too have a journey to undertake before we find that we have ?Walked haphazard by starlight straight Into the kingdom of heaven.’ U. A. Fanthorpe, BC:AD Haphazard by Starlight is a companion volume to Janet Morley’s bestselling Lent book, The Heart’s Time (SPCK, 2011), which delighted readers with its thoughtfully chosen selection of poems and its biblically sensitive commentaries. Here, the reader is given an opportunity to engage in a pilgrimage of the heart, through Advent and Christmas to the feast of the Epiphany. Each day ? from 1 December to 6 January ? offers a poem (sometimes explicitly Christian, often not) and an accessible commentary that is both critically informed and devotional in intent. The poets represented include Rowan Williams, Elizabeth Jennings, Edwin Muir, Philip Larkin, Jane Kenyon, Gillian Clarke, George Herbert, T. S. Eliot, Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickinson, Waldo Williams, P. J. Kavanagh, Ruth Fainlight, William Blake and many more.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/3b8b9780/haphazard-by-starlight-janet-morley-9780281070626.jpg|9780281070626|Haphazard by Starlight : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070626 : 15 Aug 2013 : Unlike Lent, Advent is celebrated when the year is becoming darker and colder, moving into the death and dormancy of winter. Before we can greet the coming of the lig …|new|1|1|5|11.99|0|GBP|Janet Morley|SPCK Publishing|15 Aug 2013|Christian worship, rites & ceremonies 9780281071692|The Art of Advent|9.99|https://wordery.com/the-art-of-advent-jane-williams-9780281071692|Join Jane Williams on a journey from Advent to Epiphany, and discover the timeless wisdom to be found in some of the world’s greatest paintings. Illustrated in full colour with nearly forty famous and lesser-known masterpieces of Western art, this beautiful book will lead you into a deeply prayerful response to all that these paintings convey to the discerning eye.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/c05685bd/the-art-of-advent-jane-williams-9780281071692.jpg|9780281071692|The Art of Advent : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071692 : 16 Aug 2018 : A journey through Advent to discover the timeless wisdom to be found in some of the world’s greatest paintings.|new|1|1|101|10.99|0|GBP|Jane Williams|SPCK Publishing|16 Aug 2018|Christian worship, rites & ceremonies 9780281070855|Discovering Genesis|15.99|https://wordery.com/discovering-genesis-professor-iain-provan-9780281070855|* Explores and explains the approaches of a wide range of interpreters - both ancient and modern|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/1e34f497/discovering-genesis-professor-iain-provan-9780281070855.jpg|9780281070855|Discovering Genesis : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070855 : 22 Oct 2015 : Comprehensive, up-to-date and student-friendly introduction to Genesis: its structure, content, theological concerns, key interpretative debates and historical reception.|new|1|1|15|20.99|0|GBP|Professor Iain Provan|SPCK Publishing|22 Oct 2015|Old Testaments 9780281070695|Equals|9.99|https://wordery.com/equals-jenny-baker-9780281070695|Offers both men and women liberation from distorted ways of thinking and shows how we can live together in partnership and in harmony as ’truly equal|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/6eea7c18/equals-jenny-baker-9780281070695.jpg|9780281070695|Equals : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070695 : 20 Mar 2014 : A thoroughly practical guide on how men and women can make the best of doing life together. God intended men and women to live and work together in partnership and in harmony. This e …|new|1|1|4|10.99|0|GBP|Jenny Baker|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Christian aspects of sexuality, gender & relat … 9780281072576|The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook|9.61|https://wordery.com/the-teenage-prayer-experiment-notebook-the-revd-dr-miranda-threlfall-holmes-9780281072576|This book is based on a blog run by Revd Miranda Threlfall-Holmes and her teenage son, Noah, www.TeenagePrayerExperiment.blogspot.co.uk. Miranda and Noah developed the blog and book as they could find nothing on the market to introduce teenagers to different ways of praying. Each chapter of the book introduces a prayer practice, eg using labyrinths, Lego Bible modelling, prayer beads, prayer walking. It also includes comments by teenagers who have tried it out and space for the young person to record their own thoughts. Fresh, contemporary design Ideal confirmation gift Interactive and experiential journal introducing prayer practices to teenagers Space for teenagers to record their own thoughts on the practice and to read what other people have said|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/9e96c1e7/the-teenage-prayer-experiment-notebook-the-revd-dr-miranda-threlfall-holmes-9780281072576.jpg|9780281072576|The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072576 : 16 Apr 2015 : An interactive prayer journal for teenagers.|new|1|1|2|10.99|0|GBP|The Revd Dr Miranda Threlfall-Holmes|SPCK Publishing|16 Apr 2015|Religion & beliefs: general interest (Children … 9780281071180|The Education of David Martin|21.99|https://wordery.com/the-education-of-david-martin-david-martin-9780281071180|David Martin’s vivid, elegant and absorbing prose offers surprising and often moving insights into his life, times and intellectual development. As Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the LSE he gives a compelling behind-the-scenes account of the protests during the 1960s and 1970s. He also recounts the ups and downs of his leading role in championing the King James Bible and the Prayer Book in the 1980’s. It will be a must read for the many people, both within and without the church, who have been influenced by his seminal writings.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/add31801/the-education-of-david-martin-david-martin-9780281071180.jpg|9780281071180|The Education of David Martin : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071180 : 17 Oct 2013 : David Martin is one of the most distinguished writers on Christianity and society in modern times; his many influential writings and broadcasts range extensive …|new|1|1|1|26.99|0|GBP|David Martin|SPCK Publishing|17 Oct 2013|Memoirs 9780281070718|Making the Most of Your Church Wedding|5.99|https://wordery.com/making-the-most-of-your-church-wedding-ally-barrett-9780281070718|Attractive, full-colour booklet that may be bought by clergy to give to couples|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/a55ab351/making-the-most-of-your-church-wedding-ally-barrett-9780281070718.jpg|9780281070718|Making the Most of Your Church Wedding : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070718 : 16 Jan 2014 : Making the Most of your Church Wedding is a short, attractive, full-colour guide to the Anglican wedding service aimed at couples planning to get marr …|new|1|1|12|5.99|0|GBP|Ally Barrett|SPCK Publishing|16 Jan 2014|Christian sacraments 9780281070176|Immortal Diamond|11.39|https://wordery.com/immortal-diamond-richard-rohr-9780281070176|Richard Rohr is one of the great spiritual writers of our time, with a following across all denominations of the church and outside|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/ca9f882f/immortal-diamond-richard-rohr-9780281070176.jpg|9780281070176|Immortal Diamond : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070176 : 21 Feb 2013 : Immortal Diamond by bestselling author and spiritual teacher Richard Rohr explores the deepest questions of identity, spirituality and meaning.|new|1|1|6|11.99|0|GBP|Richard Rohr|SPCK Publishing|21 Feb 2013|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281071944|Paul for Everyone|9.99|https://wordery.com/paul-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071944|Making use of his true scholar’s understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright captures the dauntless power of these letters. They were written by Paul while in prison facing the possibility of imminent death, yet burn with undimmed passion. Paul seeks to help direct the growing faith where his influence might prove crucial, and writes a very personal letter to a slave-owner on behalf of a runaway.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/73280e61/paul-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071944.jpg|9780281071944|Paul for Everyone : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071944 : 20 Mar 2014 : Tom Wright has completed a series of guides to all the books of the New Testament, each with his own translation of the text. Each short passage is followed by a commentar …|new|1|1|2|10.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Bible studies: for individual or small group study 9780281070756|Recovering from Depression|10.21|https://wordery.com/recovering-from-depression-mrs-katharine-smith-9780281070756|Depression is a devastating illness, both for those affected and for their loved ones, and the road to recovery can appear very long and winding indeed. However, for those who are slowly feeling their way towards a life of greater equanimity, this encouraging book will prove a reassuring guide and Katharine Smith an empathetic companion. A complete cure from depression might not always be possible. Yet Katharine’s experiences over the past few years have led her to believe that there is much to be gained from trying to identify the issues that gave rise to negative patterns of thinking and behaving in the first place. We might find, as we attempt to integrate these into our lives in a healthy way, that our faith and hope take on a new maturity.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/26e3b21b/recovering-from-depression-mrs-katharine-smith-9780281070756.jpg|9780281070756|Recovering from Depression : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070756 : 20 Feb 2014 : For anyone who is recovering from depression or other mental distress; their relatives and friends; those offering pastoral care - clergy, Readers, lay pastoral a …|new|1|1|20|10.99|0|GBP|Mrs Katharine Smith|SPCK Publishing|20 Feb 2014|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281072262|Living Reconciliation|10.21|https://wordery.com/living-reconciliation-phil-groves-9780281072262|Supported by the Archbishop of Canterbury who will also write the foreword for the book; reconciliation is one of his four key theological priorities which will characterise his ministry|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/13fe12b2/living-reconciliation-phil-groves-9780281072262.jpg|9780281072262|Living Reconciliation : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072262 : 18 Sep 2014 : This book is intended as a platform to enable people to engage with and understand the Archbishop’s thinking on and methodology for reconciliation. Emerging from the A …|new|1|1|29|10.99|0|GBP|Phil Groves|SPCK Publishing|18 Sep 2014|Christian theology 9780281071869|Early Christian Letters for Everyone|9.23|https://wordery.com/early-christian-letters-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071869|Writing in an accessible and anecdotal style, Tom Wright opens up to us the wisdom of the letters of James, Peter, John and Judah (Jude). A vital resource for every church and every Christian, these letters are full of clear practical advice for Christians. Written for those new to the faith, they warn of the dangers and difficulties a young Christian community would face both within and without, while revelling in the delight of budding faith, hope and life. Today, these letters are just as relevant as they were two thousand years ago. They continue to help Christians to live with genuine faith in a complex modern age.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/7f99df60/early-christian-letters-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071869.jpg|9780281071869|Early Christian Letters for Everyone : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071869 : 17 Apr 2014 : Tom Wright has completed a series of guides to all the books of the New Testament, each with his own translation of the text. Each short passage is foll …|new|1|1|2|9.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|17 Apr 2014|Christianity books 9780281070831|Visions in the Night|10.21|https://wordery.com/visions-in-the-night-ross-parker-9780281070831|Visions in the Night features many of these famous dreams, from Jacob’s experience at Bethel to Paul’s night-time vision calling him to Macedonia. Russ Parker’s long experience of pastoral ministry is evident in the absorbing way he explores these stories, and in his encouragement to us to believe that God still speaks to his people today through dreams, offering fresh opportunities for healing and growth. Visions in the Night was first published as Dream Stories by BRF in 2002. This SPCK edition includes a new introduction.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/2e018efd/visions-in-the-night-ross-parker-9780281070831.jpg|9780281070831|Visions in the Night : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070831 : 18 Jul 2013 : Dreams have fascinated humanity for thousands of years. In today’s sceptical culture, we tend to dismiss dreams as having little or no importance, yet almost everybody …|new|1|1|9|10.99|0|GBP|Ross Parker|SPCK Publishing|18 Jul 2013|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281071081|Jesus - His Home, His Journey, His Challenge|8.44|https://wordery.com/jesus-his-home-his-journey-his-challenge-the-revd-dr-david-bryan-9780281071081|This book explores a sequence of important questions about Jesus that have relevance to our own faith journeys; Where did Jesus start from? What did he meet on the way, both in the annual journey with his family to Jerusalem for the Passover and also in his inner spiritual journey? How did these encounters shape his life, activity and message? To help readers with these questions, ‘ground-level insights’ are offered, both from recent advances in the historical Jesus studies and from the author’s own research visits to Israel-Palestine. Part of the author’s aim is to show, in a respectful but honest way, that there is plenty of evidence in the Gospels that Jesus himself grew and developed in his own life journey. At each step of the way, he considers how this relates to Christian discipleship, particularly in relation to our attitudes to those who are strangers.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/a1469a79/jesus-his-home-his-journey-his-challenge-the-revd-dr-david-bryan-9780281071081.jpg|9780281071081|Jesus - His Home, His Journey, His Challenge : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071081 : 21 Nov 2013 : Opens up the latest research into Jesus’ life and times for the general reader. Looks at the Gospels in a fresh way, making the setting of Jesus …|new|1|1|5|9.99|0|GBP|The Revd Dr David Bryan|SPCK Publishing|21 Nov 2013|The historical Jesus 9780281070770|Creating the Future of the Church|10.99|https://wordery.com/creating-the-future-of-the-church-keith-elford-9780281070770|What are the conditions that allow organizations and those within them to thrive? What happens when those conditions are applied to the Church? Deeply aware that more could be done to guarantee a successful future for the Church as an organization, Keith Elford explores the challenges it faces and urges us to take a more coherent approach to the way we think about and ‘do’ church. In recent years, research and practical learning have taken the Church a long way from the managerialism about which many people are understandably sceptical. Thus the aim of Creating the Future of the Church is to provide a practicable framework and process to allow readers to find their own answers to ensure the Church’s organizational health and effectiveness.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/0b20db80/creating-the-future-of-the-church-keith-elford-9780281070770.jpg|9780281070770|Creating the Future of the Church : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070770 : 19 Sep 2013 : A priest who is also a management consultant considered the Church as an organisation like other organisations - but not quite. Speaking from an extensiv …|new|1|1|33|11.99|0|GBP|Keith Elford|SPCK Publishing|19 Sep 2013|Christian leaders & leadership 9780281070961|Being a Curate|12.44|https://wordery.com/being-a-curate-jonathon-ross-mcnairn-9780281070961|Focusing mainly on stories about being a curate in a variety of church traditions and contexts (both stipendiary and self-supporting), this engrossing book is inclusive in terms of age, ethnicity and gender. Over twenty contributors offer honest, grounded reflections on their experiences, through a mix of anecdotes, humour, practical advice and theology. As well as considering training, ordination and first steps in a curacy, Being a Curate looks at what makes a successful curacy; the relationship between the curate and the training incumbent; the transition from curate to incumbent; dealing with thorny issues, and the value of sharing stories.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/7eed181f/being-a-curate-jonathon-ross-mcnairn-9780281070961.jpg|9780281070961|Being a Curate : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070961 : 19 Jun 2014 : Focuses mainly on stories about being a curate in a variety of different church traditions and contexts, both stipendiary and self-supporting, and is inclusive in terms of ag …|new|1|1|11|13.99|0|GBP|Jonathon Ross-McNairn|SPCK Publishing|19 Jun 2014|Christian ministry & pastoral activity 9780281070473|Seeing Jesus|8.44|https://wordery.com/seeing-jesus-the-right-revd-dr-christopher-cocksworth-9780281070473|When Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them, ‘What are you looking for?’ They said to him, ‘Rabbi . . . where are you staying?’ He said to them, ‘Come and see.’ John 1.38 39 ‘Come and see.’ That is Jesus’ invitation: courteous and confident, welcoming but not overpowering, full of grace and truth. It is the gospel in three words. The two disciples - Andrew was one of them - came and saw. They stayed with Jesus for a day and they liked what they saw. Andrew then went searching for his brother, Simon, and told him, ‘We have found the Messiah.’ Andrew took Simon to Jesus who (says John) ’looked at him’. . . This dynamic of seeing Jesus and being seen by him was transformative . . . They were never the same again. They became Jesus’ disciples, people who spent time with him, getting to know him better and learning to see the world differently, as Jesus sees it. Those are three dimensions of seeing that will run through . . . this book: seeing Jesus, being seen by him and seeing things the way Jesus sees them.’ From Chapter 1: What do you see?|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/1d86efe5/seeing-jesus-the-right-revd-dr-christopher-cocksworth-9780281070473.jpg|9780281070473|Seeing Jesus : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070473 : 16 Oct 2014 : Portraits of Gospel characters who saw and responded to Jesus, special emphasis on the role of Mary. Encourages readers to reflect on how we see Jesus, how he sees us, and how …|new|1|1|1|9.99|0|GBP|The Right Revd Dr Christopher Cocksworth|SPCK Publishing|16 Oct 2014|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281070459|Arthur’s Call|10.99|https://wordery.com/arthurs-call-the-revd-professor-frances-young-9780281070459|Frances Young reflects on forty-five years of caring for her severely disabled son, and how this has led her through darkness and doubt to a deeper awareness of God’s presence|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/6160c814/arthurs-call-the-revd-professor-frances-young-9780281070459.jpg|9780281070459|Arthur’s Call : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070459 : 15 May 2014 : A journey of faith in the face of severe learning disability|new|1|1|5|11.99|0|GBP|The Revd Professor Frances Young|SPCK Publishing|15 May 2014|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281071142|Beyond the Edge|10.27|https://wordery.com/beyond-the-edge-andrew-mayes-9780281071142|Jesus calls his disciples to follow him, but where does he lead us? Responding to Jesus’ summons, we find ourselves leaving familiar certainties and securities behind as we step out boldly in faith. Old boundaries dissolve as we are led into liminal spaces - exhilarating situations, new places of discovery and radical spiritual growth. In such experiences Christ reveals himself to us anew. The place of risk is the threshold of the divine. Beyond the Edge is for people who wish to go deeply into the spiritual life, for spiritual directors, and for those who walk with others on their prayer journey. It can be used individually or in groups.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/d484ca64/beyond-the-edge-andrew-mayes-9780281071142.jpg|9780281071142|Beyond the Edge : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071142 : 21 Nov 2013 : Beyond the Edge is for people who wish to go deeply into the spiritual life, for spiritual directors, and for those who walk with others on their prayer journey. It can be u …|new|1|1|2|11.99|0|GBP|Andrew Mayes|SPCK Publishing|21 Nov 2013|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281070244|What Clergy Do|11.71|https://wordery.com/what-clergy-do-the-revd-dr-emma-percy-9780281070244|Clergy have a pivotal role in creating and nurturing church communities in which all people can grow up into Christ. This book explores the nature of that role by considering key similarities with the essential but often conflicting demands of motherhood. Like mothers, clergy need to preserve and hold people faithfully, while encouraging them to grow, take initiatives and become more confident and self-supporting. This book will help clergy to think about how this is achieved through the myriad of ‘small’ things they do from day to day, highlighting skills such as comforting, cherishing and multi-attending - skills that are centrally important but often unarticulated and undervalued.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/cfbe5db2/what-clergy-do-the-revd-dr-emma-percy-9780281070244.jpg|9780281070244|What Clergy Do : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070244 : 17 Apr 2014 : Clergy have a pivotal role in creating and nurturing church communities in which all people can grow up into Christ. This book explores the nature of that role by considerin …|new|1|1|2|13.99|0|GBP|The Revd Dr Emma Percy|SPCK Publishing|17 Apr 2014|Christian ministry & pastoral activity 9780281070190|Lost Church|11.71|https://wordery.com/lost-church-alan-billings-9780281070190|In trying to understand the relationship of the British people to religion - specifically Christianity - we tend to say that people: believe - or do not; attend - or do not. The argument of Lost Church is that the majority of people do not really fit either of these categories. Rather, they ‘belong’ - in the sense that they feel some affinity to Christianity and the Church; they are not hostile to its ministers; they do not find churches alien places to be, and they turn to the Church and its clergy on specific occasions. But they do not want to attend regularly and their beliefs may be incoherent or even nonexistent, and often flicker on and off like a badly wired lamp. This absorbing and encouraging volume is a call to lay Christians and clergy to take stock of what is happening and to recover an understanding of the Church that will not alienate those who ‘belong’ but rather enable ministry to them to continue.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/8d783005/lost-church-alan-billings-9780281070190.jpg|9780281070190|Lost Church : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070190 : 17 Jan 2013 : In trying to understand the relationship of the British people to religion - specifically Christianity - we tend to say that people: believe - or do not; attend - or do …|new|1|1|8|13.99|0|GBP|Alan Billings|SPCK Publishing|17 Jan 2013|Christian theology 9780281071227|Glimpses of Glory|10.21|https://wordery.com/glimpses-of-glory-david-adam-9780281071227|David Adam believes that praying regularly transforms our worship at home and in church - and transforms us too. Here, to help in our preparation for worship, he offers intercessions, forms for the peace and blessings in the Celtic tradition that link with the readings for each Sunday and great festival of the Christian year. Glimpses of Glory follows Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary, and like its companion volumes, Clouds and Glory and Traces of Glory, will benefit those who do not use a weekly lectionary and those who do. ‘It is amazing how many situations are suddenly washed with a new brightness when we know that God is there and that God cares’ writes David Adam. ‘Intercession is a method of stopping and getting glimpses of the hidden glory of God’.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/7a918aa8/glimpses-of-glory-david-adam-9780281071227.jpg|9780281071227|Glimpses of Glory : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071227 : 21 Mar 2013 : Intercessions, forms for the peace and blessings in the Celtic tradition that link with the readings for each Sunday and great festival of the Christian year. Glimpses of …|new|1|1|999|10.99|0|GBP|David Adam|SPCK Publishing|21 Mar 2013|Christian prayerbooks 9780281071630|The Gospel in a Pluralist Society|16.39|https://wordery.com/the-gospel-in-a-pluralist-society-rt-rev-lesslie-newbigin-9780281071630|How does the gospel relate to a pluralist society? What is the Christian message in a society marked by religious pluralism, ethnic diversity and cultural relativism? Should Christians concentrate on evangelism or dialogue? The Gospel in a Pluralist Society addresses these kinds of questions - providing an excellent analysis of contemporary culture and suggests how Christians can more confidently affirm their faith in such a context. While drawing on scholars such as Michael Polanyi, Alasdair MacIntyre, Hendrikus Berkof, Walter Wink and Robert Wuthnow, this heartfelt work by a missionary pastor and preacher is not only suited to an academic readership; it also offers to Christian leaders and lay people many thoughtful, helpful and provocative reflections. When Lesslie Newbigin died in 1998, The Times’ obituary writer described him as ‘one of the foremost missionary statesmen of his generation’, and amongst ’the outstanding figures on the world Christian stage of the second half of the century’. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society has been widely influential and deserves to be reissued as an SPCK Classic.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/3f99fbf0/the-gospel-in-a-pluralist-society-rt-rev-lesslie-newbigin-9780281071630.jpg|9780281071630|The Gospel in a Pluralist Society : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071630 : 20 Feb 2014 : How does the gospel relate to a pluralist society? What is the Christian message in a society marked by religious pluralism, ethnic diversity and cultural …|new|1|1|999|17.99|0|GBP|Rt. Rev Lesslie Newbigin|SPCK Publishing|20 Feb 2014|Christian mission & evangelism 9780281071951|Paul for Everyone: 2 Corinthians|9.62|https://wordery.com/paul-for-everyone-2-corinthians-tom-wright-9780281071951|Writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to understand from the beginning of the letter that something unexplained yet terrible had happened. We feel the pain of Paul from the very opening lines, as he confronts dreadful issues of sorrow and hurt, emerging with a clearer picture of what it meant to say that Jesus himself suffered for us and rose in triumph. The letter itself moves through tragedy and from there leads into the sunlight. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable discussion, with background information, useful interpretation and explanation, and thoughts as to how it can be relevant to our lives today. No knowledge of technical jargon is required. The series is suitable for personal or group use. The format makes it appropriate also for daily study.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/5f56bed5/paul-for-everyone-2-corinthians-tom-wright-9780281071951.jpg|9780281071951|Paul for Everyone: 2 Corinthians : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071951 : 17 Apr 2014 : Tom Wright has completed a series of guides to all the books of the New Testament, each with his own translation of the text. Each short passage is followed …|new|1|1|8|9.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|17 Apr 2014|Bible studies: for individual or small group study 9780281071258|Barefoot Prayers|8.99|https://wordery.com/barefoot-prayers-the-revd-canon-stephen-cherry-9780281071258|Stephen Cherry’s latest book is a sequence of beautifully crafted prayer-meditations, providing simple yet profound spiritual nourishment for the Lenten season. The book gives an engaging introduction to the different ways that prayer can work in the lives of the busiest of Christians. Barefoot Prayers is ideal for people who may have little time for sitting and reading but more time for thinking and reflecting.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/c206c8b8/barefoot-prayers-the-revd-canon-stephen-cherry-9780281071258.jpg|9780281071258|Barefoot Prayers : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071258 : 21 Nov 2013 : Stephen Cherry’s latest book is a sequence of beautifully crafted prayer-meditations, providing simple yet profound spiritual nourishment for the Lenten season. The book gi …|new|1|1|999|9.99|0|GBP|The Revd Canon Stephen Cherry|SPCK Publishing|21 Nov 2013|Christian prayerbooks 9780281071005|Body|10.21|https://wordery.com/body-paula-gooder-9780281071005|Written by a widely respected expert on the Bible, and one of our best-loved Christian communicators|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/321cf9eb/body-paula-gooder-9780281071005.jpg|9780281071005|Body : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071005 : 19 May 2016 : A book for all who seek to understand what it means, in biblical terms, to embody the spirit of Christ in the world today|new|1|1|11|10.99|0|GBP|Paula Gooder|SPCK Publishing|19 May 2016|Christian theology 9780281072545|How to Explain your Faith|9.99|https://wordery.com/how-to-explain-your-faith-john-pritchard-9780281072545|The author - 100,000 copies of his SPCK titles sold!|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/3c51062b/how-to-explain-your-faith-john-pritchard-9780281072545.jpg|9780281072545|How to Explain your Faith : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072545 : 20 Nov 2014 : The book will help Christians talk more confidently with their friends about the hope that keeps them going. And during those times when they are questioning the f …|new|1|1|1|10.99|0|GBP|John Pritchard|SPCK Publishing|20 Nov 2014|Christian theology 9780281071272|Modern Orthodox Thinkers|24.99|https://wordery.com/modern-orthodox-thinkers-professor-andrew-louth-9780281071272|Starting with the influence of the Philokalia in nineteenth-century Russia, the book moves through the Slavophiles, Solovev, Florensky in Russia and then traces the story through the Christian intellectuals exiled from Stalin’s Russia-Bulgakov, Berdyaev, Florovsky, Lossky, Lot-Borodine, Skobtsova-and a couple of theologians outside the Russian world: the Romanian Staniloae and the Serbian Popovich, both of whom studied in Paris. Andrew Louth then considers the contributions of the second generation Russians - Evdokimov, Meyendorff, Schmemann - and the theologians of Greece from the sixties onwards-Zizioulas, Yannaras, and others, as well as influential monks and spiritual elders, especially Fr Sophrony of the monastery in Essex and his mentor, St Silouan. The book concludes with an illuminating chapter on Metropolitan Kallistos and the theological vision of the Philokalia.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/b998c9dc/modern-orthodox-thinkers-professor-andrew-louth-9780281071272.jpg|9780281071272|Modern Orthodox Thinkers : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071272 : 20 Aug 2015 : A lively and perceptive account of the lives, writings and enduring intellectual legacies of the great Orthodox theologians of the past 250 years.|new|1|1|6|29.99|0|GBP|Professor Andrew Louth|SPCK Publishing|20 Aug 2015|Orthodox & Oriental Churches 9780281071999|Paul for Everyone|9.61|https://wordery.com/paul-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071999|Tom Wright has completed a tremendous task: to provide comprehensive guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to furnish them with his own fresh translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable commentary with helpful background information. The format makes it appropriate also for daily study.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/6380edaf/paul-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071999.jpg|9780281071999|Paul for Everyone : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071999 : 20 Feb 2014 : Tom Wright has completed a series of guides to all the books of the New Testament, each with his own translation of the text. Each short passage is followed by a commentar …|new|1|1|3|10.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|20 Feb 2014|Christianity books 9780281069972|The Last Word and the Word after Th|12.67|https://wordery.com/the-last-word-and-the-word-after-th-mclaren-brian-9780281069972|In the final volume of the New Kind of Christian Trilogy, Pastor Dan Poole and his friends face and survive their questions, doubts and dark nights of the soul. They begin to imagine a new vision of God - and a new way of life that is more truly biblical and faithful, more inspiring and challenging, more intellectually satisfying and emotionally healing than conventional religious life. Those seeking authentic ways to hold and practise Christian faith will find hope and insight in this intense and human fictional tale.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/dda4f9a6/the-last-word-and-the-word-after-th-mclaren-brian-9780281069972.jpg|9780281069972|The Last Word and the Word after Th : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281069972 : 21 Mar 2013 : In the final volume of the New Kind of Christian Trilogy, Pastor Dan Poole and his friends face and survive their questions, doubts and dark nights of th …|new|1|1|2|13.99|0|GBP|Mclaren Brian|SPCK Publishing|21 Mar 2013|Religious & spiritual fiction books 9780281071432|Scripture and the Authority of God|10.00|https://wordery.com/scripture-and-the-authority-of-god-tom-wright-9780281071432|In Scripture and the Authority of God, Tom Wright argues that God is the ultimate source of all authority, and that God’s authority is not primarily about providing the right answers to disputed questions, but about God’s sovereign, saving purposes being declared and accomplished through Jesus and the Spirit. This revised and expanded edition includes two helpful case studies, looking at what it means to keep Sabbath and at how Christians can defend martial monogamy. These studies not only offer bold biblical insights but also demonstrate the indispensable role of scripture as the primary resource for teaching and guidance in the Christian life.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/79c2d5f8/scripture-and-the-authority-of-god-tom-wright-9780281071432.jpg|9780281071432|Scripture and the Authority of God : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071432 : 21 Nov 2013 : New and substantially expanded edition of Tom Wright’s popular book on the role of the Bible in Christian life and thought. Exposes the weaknesses of both …|new|1|1|6|10.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|21 Nov 2013|Biblical studies & exegesis 9780281071517|Online Mission and Ministry|9.61|https://wordery.com/online-mission-and-ministry-pam-smith-9780281071517|Author is ‘virtual vicar’ of i-church, an online Christian community More and more Christians are engaging online - meets a real need for practical and theological guidance in this area Aimed at both ordained and lay Christians|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/ac386056/online-mission-and-ministry-pam-smith-9780281071517.jpg|9780281071517|Online Mission and Ministry : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071517 : 19 Feb 2015 : A user-friendly guide to doing ministry and mission online for existing and new practitioners.|new|1|1|3|10.99|0|GBP|Pam Smith|SPCK Publishing|19 Feb 2015|Christian ministry & pastoral activity 9780281072248|The Dove, the Fig Leaf and the Sword|11.71|https://wordery.com/the-dove-the-fig-leaf-and-the-sword-alan-billings-9780281072248|For Theology Students, Scholars and Professors. Are you looking to understand the complexity of peace keeping, and the vital role of praying for those in authority? After reading you’ll have a greater understanding of the complexity of peace keeping. The Dove, the Fig Leaf and the Sword’ is a fascinating critique of the Church’s varying response to the use of force over the centuries that gives Christians a greater understanding of the complexity of peace keeping, and stresses the vital role of praying for those in authority. Alan Billings is an Anglican priest and a former Director of the Centre for Ethics and Religion at Lancaster University. In recent years he has taught the ethics of war to chaplains to the forces at the UK Defence Academy, Amport, and on military bases in England and Germany. ’ The Dove, the Fig Leaf and the Sword’ is a highly informative, well-researched and systematic approach to historically changing Christian views around war and peace is an excellent overview that does not flinch from also facing the contentious contemporary context. Billings believes Christianity must engage both ethically and realistically if its message is going to have any relevance in the arena of war and the spectrum of other military operational options with those who bear the weight of making those life-changing and responsible choices.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/9d50e6e0/the-dove-the-fig-leaf-and-the-sword-alan-billings-9780281072248.jpg|9780281072248|The Dove, the Fig Leaf and the Sword : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072248 : 15 May 2014 : An intriguing contribution to the literature published to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the Great War in August 2014. The book’s primary focus i …|new|1|1|3|13.99|0|GBP|Alan Billings|SPCK Publishing|15 May 2014|Christian social thought & activity 9780281071449|Discernment|12.44|https://wordery.com/discernment-henri-nouwen-9780281071449|Henri Nouwen, beloved author, priest and world-renowned counsellor and guide, understood the spiritual life as a journey of faith and transformation that is deepened by accountability, community and relationships. Although Henri counselled many people during his lifetime, his principles of discernment were never collected into a single volume. Now, in association with the Nouwen Legacy Trust, Michael Christensen - one of Nouwen’s long-time students - and Rebecca Laird have taken his coursework, journals and unpublished writings and created the definitive resource on spiritual discernment. Discernment is the final volume in a trilogy of Nouwen titles. Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Formation are also published by SPCK. ‘For most people, the very word discernment implies something heady, private and maybe even elitist. Henri Nouwen, as always, makes seemingly complex things personal, practical, intelligent and very readable - all at the same time! This is a rich and helpful book.’ Richard Rohr, author of Falling Upward ‘An absolute gift to mind and soul.’ Phyllis Tickle, author of Emergence Christianity ‘Nouwen artfully explores how nature, our neighbours and our own hearts reveal God’s active presence all around us. Life-giving and beautiful, yet practical and wise, he invites all those who doubt, feel lost, wounded or broken to discover the beating heart of love at the centre of the world.’ Diana Butler Bass, author of Christianity After Religion|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/d9281bc6/discernment-henri-nouwen-9780281071449.jpg|9780281071449|Discernment : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071449 : 18 Jul 2013 : Henri Nouwen understood the spiritual life as a journey of faith and transformation that is deepened by accountability, community and relationships. And the practice of discernm …|new|1|1|999|13.99|0|GBP|Henri Nouwen|SPCK Publishing|18 Jul 2013|Christian spirituality & religious experience 9780281071296|The Provocative Church|10.99|https://wordery.com/the-provocative-church-the-rt-revd-dr-graham-tomlin-9780281071296|* Author is Dean of St Mellitus College, and has been involved in training Anglican and other clergy for 20 years|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/69c5955b/the-provocative-church-the-rt-revd-dr-graham-tomlin-9780281071296.jpg|9780281071296|The Provocative Church : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071296 : 20 Mar 2014 : The Provocative Church offers a liberating understanding of evangelism as a corporate activity, in which all the gifts needed to enact the life of the Kingdom - to …|new|1|1|6|10.99|0|GBP|The Rt Revd Dr Graham Tomlin|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Christian mission & evangelism 9780281070565|A Silent Action|10.27|https://wordery.com/a-silent-action-rt-hon-rowan-williams-9780281070565|Thomas Merton’s life, especially once he had become a writer, was to a great extent one of dialogue with people who were distant, both geographically and historically. In these probing and perceptive studies, Rowan Williams looks closely at the key intellectual and spiritual relationships that emerge in Merton’s writings, exploring the impact on him of thinkers as diverse as Hannah Arendt, Karl Barth, William Blake, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Olivier Clement, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Paul Evdokimov, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Vladimir Lossky, John Henry Newman, Boris Pasternak and St John of the Cross.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/52508901/a-silent-action-rt-hon-rowan-williams-9780281070565.jpg|9780281070565|A Silent Action : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070565 : 18 Apr 2013 : Thomas Merton’s life, especially once he had become a writer, was to a great extent one of dialogue with people who were distant, both geographically and historically. In th …|new|1|1|1|11.99|0|GBP|Rt Hon Rowan Williams|SPCK Publishing|18 Apr 2013|Christian mysticism 9780281071463|Call to Serve, A|11.71|https://wordery.com/call-to-serve-a-stefan-von-kempis-9780281071463|He loves the tango, was trained as a Chemist, and in his youth he had a regular girlfriend whom he planned to marry. For a pope, Francis has an unusual life story. Drawing on conversations, interviews, inside information and the Pope’s own writings and talks, A Call to Serve offers first-hand information, moving reflections, and profound insights into the life and character of Jorge Bergoglio, his ministry in Buenos Aires, the challenges he faces in Rome, and his vision for renewing the church and serving the world. Over one hundred and fifty full-colour photographs accompany the Pope’s remarkable story, capturing key moments and people in his upbringing and former life in Argentina. They also chronicle the historic events surrounding the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the extraordinary series of surprises that followed the election of the first pope from the Americas.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/350e6d5d/call-to-serve-a-stefan-von-kempis-9780281071463.jpg|9780281071463|Call to Serve, A : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071463 : 16 May 2013 : An authoritative and illuminating profile of the new pope by two seasoned Vatican reporters - his humble background, his rise to the papacy and his compelling spiritual v …|new|1|1|3|13.99|0|GBP|Stefan von Kempis|SPCK Publishing|16 May 2013|Biography: religious & spiritual 9780281071821|The Minister as Entrepreneur|13.99|https://wordery.com/the-minister-as-entrepreneur-the-revd-michael-volland-9780281071821|Building on his own experiences as a priest and an entrepreneur, Volland argues that the concept of entrepreneurship offers churches a helpful lens through which to view Christian ministry and mission, and an understanding and approach to ministry that is well fitted for the mission task in a rapidly changing world. He shows how an entrepreneurial approach is consistent with understandings of leadership in the major denominations and in the new churches. He also argues that such an approach is consistent both with the nature of God and with human collaboration with God’s activity in the world. ?To be a minister is to face the everyday challenge of finding new ways to express the faith, and to refresh the life of the Church. This is the call to be an entrepreneur. Michael Volland sets out the case for the minister as an agent of change and as the one who looks for new ways to do things . . . This is an important and a timely book which will help us to see entrepreneurship as gift of God and a delight for the Church.’ Pete Ward, Professorial Fellow in Ecclesiology and Ethnography, Durham University|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/9d50e6e0/the-minister-as-entrepreneur-the-revd-michael-volland-9780281071821.jpg|9780281071821|The Minister as Entrepreneur : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071821 : 16 Apr 2015 : A compelling case for an entrepreneurial approach to ministry and mission, exploring its biblical basis and potential benefits.|new|1|1|21|13.99|0|GBP|The Revd Michael Volland|SPCK Publishing|16 Apr 2015|Christian ministry & pastoral activity 9780281071203|Clouds and Glory: Year A|8.99|https://wordery.com/clouds-and-glory-year-a-david-adam-9780281071203|David Adam believes that the way to get the most out of worship on Sundays is to pray regularly on weekdays. Here, to help us in this duty and joy of preparation, he offers prayers that link with the readings for each Sunday and great festival of the Christian Year. The prayers employ the Celtic emphasis and style that many people have found helpful in David’s earlier books. They will be equally as helpful for those who do not use a weekly lectionary as for those who do. The author sees clearly the reality in our lives both of the clouds - of sadness, misfortune, pain - and the glory to be found in God. He invites us to ‘use these prayers as a vehicle to get out of the clouds and greyness to where you get a glimpse of glory’.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/f3f893de/clouds-and-glory-year-a-david-adam-9780281071203.jpg|9780281071203|Clouds and Glory: Year A : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071203 : 20 Mar 2014 : David Adam believes that the way to get the most out of worship on Sundays is to pray regularly on weekdays. To help us in this duty and joy of preparation, he offe …|new|1|1|999|8.99|0|GBP|David Adam|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Christian prayerbooks 9780281071470|Walking Backwards to Christmas|8.21|https://wordery.com/walking-backwards-to-christmas-the-most-revd-and-rt-hon-stephen-cottrell-9780281071470|Narrating the story from the perspective of key characters gives us insights into its many horrors and uncertainties as well as its joys|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/a6aef24e/walking-backwards-to-christmas-the-most-revd-and-rt-hon-stephen-cottrell-9780281071470.jpg|9780281071470|Walking Backwards to Christmas : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071470 : 21 Aug 2013 : Though the Christmas story is well known, most of us have learnt it from school nativity plays and carols. On the whole, this familiar version is more concern …|new|1|1|999|9.99|0|GBP|The Most Revd and Rt Hon Stephen Cottrell|SPCK Publishing|21 Aug 2013|The historical Jesus 9780281071906|Luke for Everyone|8.62|https://wordery.com/luke-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071906|Tom Wright’s guide to Luke, which includes a wealth of information and background detail, provides real insights for our understanding of the story of Jesus and its implications for the reader. His clear style is accessible to new readers of the Bible, as well as to those who are further on. His exciting new translation brings to life, passage by passage, the immediacy and drama of Luke’s gospel. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable discussion, with background information, useful interpretation and explanation, and thoughts as to how it can be relevant to our lives today. No knowledge of technical jargon is required. The series is suitable for personal or group use. The format makes it appropriate also for daily study.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/b551a0b6/luke-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071906.jpg|9780281071906|Luke for Everyone : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071906 : 17 Apr 2014 : Tom Wright has completed a series of guides to all the books of the New Testament, each with his own translation of the text. Each short passage is followed by a commentar …|new|1|1|1|9.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|17 Apr 2014|Bible studies: for individual or small group study 9780281071494|Are You Ready?|18.61|https://wordery.com/are-you-ready-pete-maidment-9780281071494|Includes 19 ready-to-use sessions that can be tailored to a group’s needs|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/43906873/are-you-ready-pete-maidment-9780281071494.jpg|9780281071494|Are You Ready? : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071494 : 15 Jan 2015 : A resource to help leaders prepare young people for confirmation.|new|1|1|999|15.99|0|GBP|Pete Maidment|SPCK Publishing|15 Jan 2015|Christian worship, rites & ceremonies 9780281072484|Who Are We To Judge|11.16|https://wordery.com/who-are-we-to-judge-fraser-dyer-9780281072484|* Relevant to contemporary church debates, e.g. on leadership positions for women and inclusivity * Author blends theological depth and practical spirituality with a light and accessible style|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/3e6663cb/who-are-we-to-judge-fraser-dyer-9780281072484.jpg|9780281072484|Who Are We To Judge : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072484 : 16 Jul 2015 : A timely reflection on a highly relevant contemporary issue.|new|1|1|8|10.99|0|GBP|Fraser Dyer|SPCK Publishing|16 Jul 2015|Christian life & practice 9780281070954|Readings for Weddings|10.99|https://wordery.com/readings-for-weddings-canon-mark-oakley-9780281070954|Readings for Weddings is an inspirational collection of Bible quotations, poems, hymns and prose for secular weddings, church ceremonies and services of blessing. Mark Oakley includes such ‘wedding classics’ as 1 Corinthians 13 and Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet, the poetry of Shelley and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, verse by Wendy Cope and other witty, contemporary poets.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/9d50e6e0/readings-for-weddings-canon-mark-oakley-9780281070954.jpg|9780281070954|Readings for Weddings : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070954 : 18 Jul 2013 : Readings for Weddings is an inspirational collection of Bible quotations, poems, hymns and prose for secular weddings, church ceremonies and services of blessing.|new|1|1|16|10.99|0|GBP|Canon Mark Oakley|SPCK Publishing|18 Jul 2013|Worship, rites & ceremonies 9780281071531|The Journey|8.44|https://wordery.com/the-journey-john-pritchard-9780281071531|After an unforgettable three years, the charismatic teacher who called you and your brother James to follow him says, ‘Right, let’s go to Jerusalem’ It’s thrilling to be setting out on the next stage of the adventure. But life in the company of Jesus is not for the faint-hearted. Certainly there’s fun, as lark about with the other young disciples. But it’s pretty edgy too, not knowing who is going to turn up next and what might be expected of you. And as the days pass by, the huge demands on Jesus as he heals and teaches invoke both a strange tenderness, and a growing dread of why exactly you are journeying to the holy city . . . Looking through the eyes of the disciple John, The Journey follows Luke’s chronology from Luke 9.51, as Jesus ‘set his face to go to Jerusalem’ Absorbing, exuberant and affective, it offers daily (weekday) readings for Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday, with a poem for each Saturday. It is suitable to use individually or in groups.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/9d50e6e0/the-journey-john-pritchard-9780281071531.jpg|9780281071531|The Journey : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071531 : 20 Nov 2014 : The Journey offers daily (weekday) readings for Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday and engages the reader in the encounters Jesus had with various people on his way to Jeru …|new|1|1|6|9.99|0|GBP|John Pritchard|SPCK Publishing|20 Nov 2014|Bible readings, selections & meditations 9780281071937|Matthew for Everyone: Part 2|10.21|https://wordery.com/matthew-for-everyone-part-2-tom-wright-9780281071937|Tom Wright has completed a tremendous task: to provide comprehensive guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to furnish them with his own fresh translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable commentary with helpful background information. The format makes it appropriate also for daily study.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/1b88eaf5/matthew-for-everyone-part-2-tom-wright-9780281071937.jpg|9780281071937|Matthew for Everyone: Part 2 : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071937 : 20 Mar 2014 : Tom Wright has completed a tremendous task: to provide comprehensive guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to furnish them with his own fresh transl …|new|1|1|7|10.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Bible readings, selections & meditations 9780281071067|Was the Birth of Jesus According to Scripture?|11.71|https://wordery.com/was-the-birth-of-jesus-according-to-scripture-steve-moyise-9780281071067|This book focuses on the question that will be of most interest to readers: Was the Birth of Jesus according to Scripture? It sets the scene by outlining the debate between those who think that Matthew and Luke devised their narratives on the basis of specific Old Testament texts and those who think the Gospel narratives have determined the choice and meaning of those texts. It helps the reader engage with the material by beginning with the least controversial topics (Jesus was preceded by a forerunner and was of the house of David), then moving on to the importance of particular places in the narrative (Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Egypt, Nazareth) and the historical evidence for associating Jesus with them, before ending with the most controversial topics (virgin birth and slaughter of the innocents).|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/2d94d5dd/was-the-birth-of-jesus-according-to-scripture-steve-moyise-9780281071067.jpg|9780281071067|Was the Birth of Jesus According to Scripture? : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071067 : 19 Sep 2013 : This book focuses on the question that will be of most interest to readers: Was the Birth of Jesus according to Scripture? It outlines the deb …|new|1|1|1|13.99|0|GBP|Steve Moyise|SPCK Publishing|19 Sep 2013|Biblical exegesis & hermeneutics 9780281071579|Rites of Ordination|15.99|https://wordery.com/rites-of-ordination-paul-f-bradshaw-9780281071579|Paul Bradshaw, one of the world’s foremost scholars on the history of Christian liturgy, has shared this expertise in several works that have become standard texts for students of liturgy. In Rites of Ordination, Bradshaw turns his attention to the ways that Christians through the ages have understood what it means to ordain someone as a minister and how that has been expressed in liturgical practice. Bradshaw considers the typological background to ordained ministry some have drawn from the Old Testament and what ministry meant to the earliest Christian communities. He explores the ordination rites and theology of the early church, the Christian East, the medieval West, the churches of the Reformation, and the post-Tridentine Roman Catholic Church.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/fdc5747c/rites-of-ordination-paul-f-bradshaw-9780281071579.jpg|9780281071579|Rites of Ordination : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071579 : 16 Jan 2014 : Considers the typological background to ordained ministry some have drawn from the Old Testament and what ministry meant to the earliest Christian communities. Explores …|new|1|1|2|20.99|0|GBP|Paul F. Bradshaw|SPCK Publishing|16 Jan 2014|Christian worship, rites & ceremonies 9780281070930|From Advent to Harvest|12.44|https://wordery.com/from-advent-to-harvest-mark-geldard-9780281070930|Tried-and-tested collection of creative resources for the Church’s year|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/40a92062/from-advent-to-harvest-mark-geldard-9780281070930.jpg|9780281070930|From Advent to Harvest : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281070930 : 21 Aug 2013 : Dip-in collection of creative material to enliven services throughout the Church year. For busy clergy and worship leaders. Includes a wide range of material from hum …|new|1|1|13|13.99|0|GBP|Mark Geldard|SPCK Publishing|21 Aug 2013|Christian liturgy, prayerbooks & hymnals 9780281071746|On Rock or Sand?|8.68|https://wordery.com/on-rock-or-sand-the-rt-revd-dr-john-sentamu-9780281071746|Chapters by expert economic, political, religious and social thinkers, including contributions by Lord Adonis, Sir Philip Mawer, Oliver O’Donovan, Andrew Sentance, Julia Unwin and Archbishop Justin Welby|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/3234ac71/on-rock-or-sand-the-rt-revd-dr-john-sentamu-9780281071746.jpg|9780281071746|On Rock or Sand? : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071746 : 15 Jan 2015 : What are the essential values we need for building a just, sustainable and compassionate society in which all can participate?|new|1|1|22|9.99|0|GBP|The Rt Revd Dr John Sentamu|SPCK Publishing|15 Jan 2015|Christian social thought & activity 9780281072323|A Political Theology of Climate Change|18.00|https://wordery.com/a-political-theology-of-climate-change-michael-s-northcott-9780281072323|First book by a major theologian to fully address national and international politics as major contributors to the continuing problem of climate change|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/3e812f05/a-political-theology-of-climate-change-michael-s-northcott-9780281072323.jpg|9780281072323|A Political Theology of Climate Change : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072323 : 17 Apr 2014 : Michael Northcott sets out a clear and sustained theological response to the biggest issue of our time - climate change.|new|1|1|17|22.99|0|GBP|Michael S. Northcott|SPCK Publishing|17 Apr 2014|Christian social thought & activity 9780281071807|Readings for Funerals|11.99|https://wordery.com/readings-for-funerals-canon-mark-oakley-9780281071807|Will make people more confident in planning a funeral or memorial service and dealing with clergy|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/9d50e6e0/readings-for-funerals-canon-mark-oakley-9780281071807.jpg|9780281071807|Readings for Funerals : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071807 : 15 Jan 2015 : Enables those who have been bereaved to express their thoughts and feelings.|new|1|1|1|13.99|0|GBP|Canon Mark Oakley|SPCK Publishing|15 Jan 2015|Christian life & practice 9780281072408|Intimate Jesus|11.99|https://wordery.com/intimate-jesus-dr-andy-angel-9780281072408|Examines what the Gospels can tell us about the sexuality of Jesus, rather than simply what they say about sex and sexual ethics|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/5842ca6b/intimate-jesus-dr-andy-angel-9780281072408.jpg|9780281072408|Intimate Jesus : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281072408 : 18 May 2017 : The first book to to offer a full, frank and academically responsible discussion of Jesus’ experience of sexuality, as revealed in key texts (and subtexts) in the Gospels|new|1|1|2|13.99|0|GBP|Dr Andy Angel|SPCK Publishing|18 May 2017|Christian theology 9780281071845|Acts for Everyone (Part 1)|9.61|https://wordery.com/acts-for-everyone-part-1-tom-wright-9780281071845|Writing in an accessible and anecdotal style, Tom Wright helps us to approach the rich and many-sided story of the book of Acts. Wright shows how the book builds on Luke’s gospel, laying out the continuing work and teaching of the now risen and ascended Jesus in the power of the Spirit. His writing captures the vivid way in which Luke’s work draws us all into the story, while leaving the ending open and challenging, inviting Christians today to pick up and carry on the story as we in turn live our lives in the service of Jesus.|Books|https://wordery.com/jackets/d2a34d0d/acts-for-everyone-part-1-tom-wright-9780281071845.jpg|9780281071845|Acts for Everyone (Part 1) : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281071845 : 20 Mar 2014 : Tom Wright helps us to approach the story of the book of Acts. Wright shows how the book builds on Luke’s gospel, laying out the continuing work and teaching of t …|new|1|1|2|10.99|0|GBP|Tom Wright|SPCK Publishing|20 Mar 2014|Bible readings, selections & meditations 9780281071890|John for Everyone|8.62|https://wordery.com/john-for-everyone-tom-wright-9780281071890|Making use of his true scholar’s understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright manages to convey the simplicity, and helps to unravel the great complexity, of this extraordinary gospel. He describes it as one of the great books in the literature of the world; and part of its greatness is the way it reveals its secrets not just to high-flown learning, but to those who come to it with humility and hope".