Wouldnt it be great to be a fly on the wall as the great writers took pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard)? While reading this work, youll be just that. Here are behind-the-book stories and facts about authors, publishing and everything literary that will entertain both casual and serious readers. Among the questions asked and answered: When Did Literature Finally Get Sexy? Is Coffee or Opium Better for Literary Creativity? Why Are the Best Autobiographies so Embarrassing? Why Do Some Detectives Use Their Minds and Others Their Fists? Who knew that bestseller lists and childrens books could be the source of intense controversy? Or that even the biggest writers had to scrape by, with odd jobs and inventions like the Mark Twain Self-Pasting Scrapbook? In Literary Miscellany, examine the trend of fake memoirs, with a list of who lied about what, and a rogues gallery of hoaxers dating back centuries. From epic poetry and Homer to pulp fiction and Harry Potter, Literary Miscellany is a breezy tour through the literature of today and yesterday, packed with enough interesting facts to entertain both the erudite professor and pleasure reader.